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54 young people's day.

time:2018-09-12 browse:69

May 4th is an extraordinary day. Today is China's Youth Day. As a young and flourishing youth enterprise, Kuwait will spend May 4th Youth Day with you and learn the spirit of May 4th.
The origin of the May 4th Youth Festival can be traced back to the May 4th Movement in 1919, which was an anti-imperialist and patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism. At the same time, this movement is also a symbol of the beginning of the new democratic revolution in modern history. In 1939, the Northwest Youth Salvation Federation of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region designated May 4 as the Chinese Youth Day every year.
During the May 4th Movement in 1919, we saw the responsibilities and responsibilities of our forefathers. At that time, China was in turmoil, the country was in turmoil, the society was in turmoil, and the nation was at the point of survival. It was the young people of that generation who took to the streets, cheered up their arms, and all the young people with the motherland responded to the news. This made the Chinese revolution look new. Today, we learn again the spirit that every contemporary youth shoulders the destiny and future of the country, and every one of us shoulders the responsibility and obligation of the country's strong and prosperous.
Learning the 54 spirit
What is the "54 spirit"? Let's explain to you in detail:
Patriotism is the source of the May 4th Spirit, and the core content of the May 4th Spirit is democracy and science. Daring to explore, dare to innovate, emancipate the mind and carry out reform are the ways to put forward and realize democracy and science. Rational spirit, personality liberation, anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism are the contents of democracy and science.
All these, at that time, were aimed at rejuvenating the Chinese nation, and of course now.
Gervait is a young enterprise. It is not only a relatively young enterprise compared with a century of development history, but also a majority of its members are young people. Among them, there are many young people who have just come out of campus with great ambition, and there are also mature young people who have been baptized by society and time. They come from different provinces with different backgrounds, but they also rise and fall in the bustling city of Shanghai. They grew up in Kuwait and did their little to revitalize the Chinese nation.
The only difference is that this generation of young people is fortunate to be born in this peaceful era, to be born in China's powerful era, and to have countless predecessors who, in their youth, moved forward and succeeded in flesh and blood to create a beautiful living environment for us. Our young people must remember history and never forget to move forward, and the young people of Gwaite will be more dedicated to their work.